The Web World of Susan Garner

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Prayer is an integral part of any Christian endeavor. Therefore, it must be incorporated into any plans developed in the pursuit of dreams. It is vitally important to remember that our successes are directly linked to God's plan for our lives. Therefore, failure of our plans may indicate that God has different intentions for us. If this occurs, we must persevere in our search for success and continue to pray for His guidance and direction. Following are the ten steps I utilized to achieve my goals when preparing to enter the professional workplace. They worked for me and, if it is God's will, they will work for you, too.

1. Pray--Pray for guidance, that God's will be done, so that the outcome of action taken is pleasing to Him. Otherwise, the plan of action developed could be based upon personal desires, rather than His will. This would be detrimental to His goals and result in an uphill struggle as compared to a smooth journey.

2. Plan-Keeping Christ's principles in mind, what outcome(s) should be achieved? The outcome should be beneficial to all parties concerned, and not jeopardize Godly life by conflicting with the moral standards denoted in the Ten Commandments.

3. Set Goals--What needs to be accomplished in order to reach the planned outcome? Preliminary planning could include presenting plans to key persons, who either have the influence necessary to bring others on board or have the ability to assist with planning, organization, and fundraising. Other goals could be to research available grants or financial backing by organizations within the community or to write letters to political supporters who could influence the success of actions planned through their vote for pending legislation. Remember to keep Christ and his teachings at the center of all plans and goals.

4. Determine Deadlines-When do these goals need to be accomplished? Develop a calendar of events that forms a framework around which to build a plan of action. For example, fundraising events will need to be initiated before expenses can be paid.

5. Educate Yourself-Has this been attempted before? What worked? What didn't work? Are there college courses or professional seminars upcoming that pertain to the stated goals? Local colleges may have continuing education courses available in addition to the regular curriculum. Professional organizations may be offering seminars. Researching the Internet could provide contact information for successful people or programs, or other information, that can be of assistance to reach set goals.

6. Pray--Ask for God's help in planning a course of action. Ask that with His help personal dreams will be brought to fruition or, if they are not His will, that a better pathway be illuminated to facilitate accomplishing His will.

7. Develop an Action Plan-What actions are needed to reach these goals? How will the necessary funding be obtained? Who will accomplish the key tasks? What roles will others carry? Keep actions Christ-centered so as to give God the glory for successes obtained.

8. Network-This will enable the location of others with similar passion and who have the knowledge and/or skills to assist with the implementation of the action plan. Did researching the Internet locate possible contacts? Were college professors located that could provide information or assistance? Are there any local programs or professional seminars that could provide support? Stay connected with contacts and work with them as much as possible!

9. Be Persistent-If goals cannot be reached by the original deadline, redefine them, rethink the plans, set a new deadline and continue the quest for success. Remember that God's plan is not always clear to us, and what we perceive as failures may actually be learning exercises to prepare us for more important tasks related to His goals.

10. Pray-Continue to pray for God's will to be done, pray that actions taken will be sufficient to accomplish His will, and most importantly, when success is achieved, pray in Thanksgiving that with His help dreams are being accomplished through careful planning and persistent effort. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!




Jesus Loves Even Me (I Am Loved)
August, 2006

As a baby, I did not speak clearly, but Jesus loved me because God had made me.

I became a child who tested authority but Jesus still loved me. God had been His example, so He knew how to forgive me.

As a teenager, I felt guilty after being violated by human male, yet the spirit of Jesus Christ never left my side.

I became an adult who failed to see the need to attend church, but Jesus still loved even me.

As a parent of young children, it became too easy to stay

home and watch church on TV, but, despite this, Jesus never left my side.

I got busy and forgot to talk to Him, but He understood. He would wait patiently until I was free, then let me hear His voice to remind me that He was near.

My children became teens and decided church was "not cool".

The TV became the island of video games and movies, off-limits unless approved by the gamers. Thus, church was pre-empted by the latest game craze, but did Jesus ever leave me? No, He stayed at my side, loving even Me.

I realized I missed Him being in my life. Now I live by example, attending church every Sunday to pray that my children will realize sooner than I did that no matter what happens,


October, 2006

JUST HOW MUCH DOES JESUS LOVE ME?  (Proto-type for picture book)


I know that Jesus loves me.

The Bible tells me so.

(Double spread of country church with open Bible on its' sign.


If I was taller than a skyscraper would Jesus love me even more?

(Double spread of city street with skyscraper stretching to the sky and picture of tall boy)


(Country home)

If I was as short as my sister's dollhouse?

(Girl's room with dollhouse with short girl)

No, no, no. Height does not matter.

If I was small like a little country mouse would Jesus love me more?

(Double spread with farm scene with country mouse by haystack with small-boned boy)


If I was as big as an elephant at the city zoo?

(Double spread of city zoo with husky boy feeding elephant)

No....Size does not matter, either.

What if I was blue and as wide as the sky?

Or I was green but as skinny as the grass?

(Double spread of blue sky and green grass with little girl laughing on left page and wide blue-skinned person and skinny green-skinned person on right page as they dance in a circle with hands joined)

Oh, no! Jesus loves us just the way we are.

(Blue sky, green grass, and flowers in the yard blending with next page)

Well, if I was really, really old would Jesus love me more?

(picture of old woman in wheelchair sitting in front of a nursing home)


How about if I was still a baby?

(Double spread of playground; right side is picture of baby in stroller watching older children play)

It would not matter. The love Jesus has for us never changes.

If I dressed in fancy clothes every day, would he love me more?

(Park with bench and well-to-do couple in Victorian carriage)


If I had no clothes at all or a house to live in or food to eat?

(City slum with man in tatters begging for food)


If I moved here from China would he love me more?

(Chinese restaurant with man standing outside)

No, no, no....

If I grew up in Mexico would he love me more?

(Double spread of field being worked by young Mexican couple and their parents while young Mexican toddler and his baby sister nap in foreground on bright-colored blanket)

No. It does not matter where you were born or what kind of clothes you wear. Jesus loves all of us the same amount. It does not matter where we sleep or how old we are. It does not matter what color skin we have or what we eat.

(Picture of all people featured in book together as a group)

God made us all, so His Son, Jesus Christ loves us all the same amount. He even died on a cross for us. He wanted us to know that we can be forgiven for our sins if we believe in God and listen to what God tells us when we pray.

(Picture of Jesus on the cross on top of a hill)




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October, 2006

Take My Life and Bless Me, Lord


Take my life and bless me, Lord,

For all I have is fro-om Thee.

My bike, my skates, my dolls, and paint,

My life, and fa-a-ami-ly-y. too.

We need just be-li-eve in you, Lord,

For you to bless us-and set us free.

But-use my life for good, O Lord,

That I may do-oo thy work for You.

Bless our food and drink, O Lord,

That we may eat our bread with Thee.

Bless our juice and let us drink

The fruits of e-e-ver-last-ing Life.


When-we do wrong, please let us be

For-giv-en, Lo-ord by-y Thee,

We ask for-give-ness in Your Name

For our wr-ongs do bring us shame.

(Musical accompaniment to the tune of Take My Life and Let it Be.)

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